The World is Full of Ice Cream
This according to my dog. We let her out into the front yard this morning while I was shoveling, and she just stood there and ate snow. She loves snow.
Thanksgiving in the Akers household was uneventful. Jen and I were both recovering from colds, so we stayed in and ate warm things and watched television. I had to work on Friday, unlike all of our vendors, clients and most of my coworkers. So it was quiet. I finished my proposal for book two and sent that off. This morning I got the copy edits for book one. Stet.
Oh, and my picture finally appeared in Locus. In the issue with World Fantasy coverage on the full color page, I'm seen with Paul Cornell (of Doctor Who fame) and my editors Mark and Christian. It's not a bad picture. And they got my name right. I have to assume they wrote it down from my name tag, or contacted one of the other folks and asked who I was, but still. Here's a picture of Tim Akers. Well, here's a picture of Paul Cornell and the editors from Solaris. Tim Akers was there as well.
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